Porn gets a bad rap these days, but wherever you stand on that debate, I think we can all agree this display in Kings Heath's HM News is utterly charming; an echo from a bygone age, from a time when 50 Plus women, such as Ingrid from Spalding, were exotic, unattainable figures to a callow youth such as myself. They became like old friends; both thrilling and comforting. With the passage, so to speak, of time, they don't seem quite so unattainable, but remain thrilling nonetheless. I popped in to get my copy of Private Eye, and now I shall retire to my bedchamber to peruse some reading material. 💯 would recommend.
Crisp talk, sweet reviews, car, train, transport & tech chat, pics of food/street vomit/wolf fleeces/windsocks/three-quarter length trousers, plus hackneyed jokes, lazy musings, ill-informed opinions, biting satire, music, events, comedy & cinema, with tales of high jinks, scraperism & japerism, travel pics, drivel, twaddle, Popmaster, & comment from a middle aged man living in South Birmz, who frankly should know better, and is trying to make sense of the world. Would recommend.