Been driving across the land this week. It's apparent that driving standards have lowered, but it needn't be a race to the bottom. Don't get vexed: simply apply the rules of CPAZM ( Craig Pullen Approach to Zen Motoring). Let people through. Watch as the congestion clears around you; it matters not if a person you don't know gets to their destination before you get to yours. Everyone has lapses of concentration, or gets in the wrong lane occasionally, including you. Forgive them. Don't allow others to draw you into their desire for conflict. It's not your duty to regulate someone else's speed. Move over. They'll be waiting at the lights soon enough; Be the lane change you want to see in the world. Give yourself extra time*, and waiting in a queue just becomes sitting down, listening to a podcast/sick beats, in a comfortable place. Put a hobnob in your obsolete tax disc holder. Don't forget: you are not stuck in traffic: you ARE traffic. *T...
Crisp talk, sweet reviews, car, train, transport & tech chat, pics of food/street vomit/wolf fleeces/windsocks/three-quarter length trousers, plus hackneyed jokes, lazy musings, ill-informed opinions, biting satire, music, events, comedy & cinema, with tales of high jinks, scraperism & japerism, travel pics, drivel, twaddle, Popmaster, & comment from a middle aged man living in South Birmz, who frankly should know better, and is trying to make sense of the world. Would recommend.